Resource Articles
The commercial dog food industry has depended on fractionated grains for the basis of their pet foods, for over 50 years. In the past 10 years the shift to a holistic pet food market, has forced companies to reconfigure their pet foods to meet the demands of the holistically minded pet owner.
We need a meat meal based diet with a quailty whole ground grain such as Oats, Brown Rice and Barley as a carbohydrate. With fiber in tact these carbohydrates came be used for energy, but will burn slow because of the natural the fiber.
Our pet foods need to remain MEAT meal based foods and multiple protein based are the best for holding and building muscle mass.
Most of our pets have been feed “grain based” processed foods (kibble), and most of the kibbles of the past are devoid of quality real meat protein, and the "living enzyme" component nessary for digesting food. The results has been a premature depletion of the natural enzymes in the pancreas needed for digestion.
This has put unusual pressure on the pancreas to deliver and it wears out before it's time, rendering it unable to manage the regulation of glucose and insulin levels.
Our Insulin Sensitivity Support Kit helps to support the pancreatic function and restore regulation of glucose levels, through a series of supplements that have been shown to be effective in managing diabetes. Research has backed up these claims. Introduce each component 2-3 days apart to make it easy on the body.
If you prefer to use a raw diet instead, The Honest Kitchen has our endorsement and Precise pet foods has some great grain free diets available for dogs and cats.
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Shipping: We ship Priority, Flat Rate Priority and International Priority rates. FCN is a small family owned company and not able to offer free shipping like the big ecommerce conglomerates who often buy almost out of date supplements and you have no recourse for returning product. However, what we have that they do not have is, first rate customer service, people to answer specific nutritional questions. We have real people here in the USA to help you and your vet with health problem solving and developing your pet's feed program. This is a service no other large companies offer their customers. Our customers appreciate the difference at FCN because we not only care, but have our own pets years of experience and we know nutrition!
Copyright 2025. First Choice Naturals, Inc. is owned by Blackwatch Nutritional Consulting LLC, and all descriptive text, links to articles and nutritioinal information found at this website, in articles or feed programs, is owned by Blackwatch Nutritioinal Consulting LLC. No information at this website is to be used in lieu of physician or veterinarian's advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your health care professionals. Any photographs sent to this website becomes the property of Blackwatch Nutritional Consulting LLC, and can be used for website, seminars, lectures, books, for the sole purpose of educating the general public. Efforts are taken to remove recognizable images or names from photos, no names are used of owner, breeder or pet to protect the of the individuals.