Colostrum is the fluid produced in the very first few hours from the mammary gland of the female (humans & mammals), and it has all the antibodies to protect the young when the immune system is new and underdeveloped.
Bovine Colostrum is often used due to it’s rich source of antibodies, growth factors and nutrients and may provide immunity to the newborn against various pathogenic organisms particularly those that affect the digestive tract. Children who were not breast-fed do not receive the natural antibodies from their mother milk, and often have a lifetime of allergy problems. Likewise young puppies/kittens who do not nurse, are often not protected by the antibodies from mother's colostrum.
Research shows Colostrum will regenerate and rejuvenate the immune function. It is highly recommended for pets (humans) with cardiomyopathy and diabetes issues as well as going through cancer treatments.
First milking Bovine colostrum is rich in immunoglobulins which protect against e-coli infection the most common cause of severe diarrhea in young puppies.
120 gram bottle (60 teaspoons) 240 gram bottle (120 teaspoons)
DOSAGE: by pet weight 2-10 lbs - ¼ teaspoon
11 – 50 lbs – ½ teaspoon
51 lbs – 80 lbs – ½ - ¾ teaspoon
80 lbs –100 – 1 teaspoon
Over 100 lbs – 1 ½ teaspoons
Dose 2 x daily during stress Note: A 2 gram (1 teaspoon) scoop is included and one bottle will last 2 months for a 100 lb dog.
Nutritional Support Provided by Blackwatch Nutritional Consulting LLC
Related Feed Programs: Feed Program for Rescue and Repair Feed Program for Boosting Immune Function Feed Program for Diabetes Feed Program for Allergies Feed Program for Heart Health
Related Research Articles: Colostrum and Cardiomyopathy
5.0 out of 5 stars (30 ratings)
Showing 17 customer reviews...

I really think this product helps with heart murmurs, a problem with Cavaliers. My first dogs were on maintenance levels for years and the cardiologist was always very pleased with their condition. Of course, keeping them lean, also helps.

I bought this product primarily to help boost my dog's immune system, but it also helps with his stools. The product itself is great and the service through First Choice Naturals is excellent - a very speedy delivery!

I've met The Great Dane Lady and heard her speak and was thoroughly impressed with her research into canine nutrition and its effect on various health issues. Cavaliers have a strong tendency to heart disease - MVD. My younger male is 12-1//2 with a Grade 1 murmur. His uncle who we just lost at 14 years, 10 months had a Grade 3 murmur, but never needed any medication for it. We saw the cardiologist annually and he always said, "Neither one has an enlarged heart or fluid. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it." If it is recommended by Linda Arndt, it's got to be good.

A great product. Our twelve year old golden has a yeast allergy,and this colostrum supplement keeps his immune system in tip-top shape.

I started giving my min pin colostrum a few weeks ago because she has congestive heart failure. I'm not sure how much it is helping her enlarged heart but I can say that she is not panting any more except when she is excited and she very seldom coughs. I have read articles where they claim after months of taking colostrum that the heart muscle returned to normal size. I am holding out hope for my special friend and I will continue to use this daily. Thanks for providing products to help the ones we love!

This product along with the other products recommended for diabetic dogs has helped me keep my dogs glucose levels under control, I didn't think we would ever achieve control of my dogs diabetes without the help of First Choice Naturals! Thank you!!

I have used this product since it was recommended by the Great Dane Lady for any dogs with heart problems. My two Cavaliers are 13-1/2 and 11 years old and both have murmurs - the older one has a grade 4 and the younger one has a grade 1 - but neither needs medication yet because they are in such good health otherwise. I consider this product part of the reason they are doing so well.

great product, the dogs and the cat love it, will lick it right out of your hand. Amazing

I feed my dogs according to guidelines by The Great Dane Lady and Colostrum is what she recommends for dogs with heart issues. My 13-year-old has a grade 4 murmur, but the cardiologist says not medication is necessary due to the great shape he is in. I believe that is a direct result of following her feeding recommendations for the past 4 years (along with keeping he and his 11-year-old nephew lean and 4 daily walks). Very little is needed, making it a good buy. Plus no cost for heart medication!

I've learned to trust anything recommended by the Great Dane Lady and she highly recommends the Colostrum sold by First Choice Naturals. I believe this product is a main reason why my Cavaliers, a breed known for heart problems, are doing so well at ages 12-1/2 and 10. Thank you.

My puppy has cryptosporidosis and the colostrum has helped immensely! She still has times of "flare ups" during stress but this product has helped to take care of the problem for the most part, without having to resort to medications that may have harmed her.

I used this product among others on a rescue that was in very poor shape. I feel it was very instrumental in bringing this stoic, sad, malnourished, and mistreated dog around! He also has been diagnosed with cancer and I am continuing the use of colostrum during this difficult time!

The products are amazing and I couldn't be happier. The shipping is a bit high.

I would certainly recommend this product to anyone who has a dog with itching problems. I would probably use this product first along with changing the dog's food (I changed to Precise Sensicare formula) if unsure whether the dog has yeast problems as suggested in the website, then incorporate the NZYNES products. I wish the label on this product was printed on better paper. Dosage information has been washed out.

The convenience of being able to order on-line at any time of the day is sooooooo beneficial! There just isn't enough time in my day so your on-line ordering systems is fast and easy to use. Thanks for making my life easier!

I started my Dane puppy on this as soon as I got him to help boost his immune system. He also has a heart murmur, so I give him colustrum not only for his immune system, but for the benefits it has on the heart also. The powdered version is very easy to feed.

My dog has heart problems, and with the myriad of heart medications he is currently taking, I decided to try Colostrum to help his digestive tract. I did read that Colostrum benefits the heart too. I like the powdered from of Colostrum, and feel that First Choice Naturals produces a first-rate form of this product.
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Shipping: We ship Priority, Flat Rate Priority and International Priority rates. FCN is a small family owned company and not able to offer free shipping like the big ecommerce conglomerates who often buy almost out of date supplements and you have no recourse for returning product. However, what we have that they do not have is, first rate customer service, people to answer specific nutritional questions. We have real people here in the USA to help you and your vet with health problem solving and developing your pet's feed program. This is a service no other large companies offer their customers. Our customers appreciate the difference at FCN because we not only care, but have our own pets years of experience and we know nutrition!
Copyright 2025. First Choice Naturals, Inc. is owned by Blackwatch Nutritional Consulting LLC, and all descriptive text, links to articles and nutritioinal information found at this website, in articles or feed programs, is owned by Blackwatch Nutritioinal Consulting LLC. No information at this website is to be used in lieu of physician or veterinarian's advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your health care professionals. Any photographs sent to this website becomes the property of Blackwatch Nutritional Consulting LLC, and can be used for website, seminars, lectures, books, for the sole purpose of educating the general public. Efforts are taken to remove recognizable images or names from photos, no names are used of owner, breeder or pet to protect the of the individuals.