K9 Ear Solution Liquid & GV Ear Powder
This product is the perfect solution for your pet’s constant reoccurring ear issues, especially yeasty ears and feet, hotspots or swimmer's ears. If your dog is not having ear problems, do not use anything in them and do not use any Q-tips in the ear canal. Some dogs have more ear wax than others; it is simply their system and may not be an indication of a bacterial or fungus infection.
Ingredients: Isopropyl alcohol, boric acid, gentian violet, colloidal silver.
NOTICE: We now carry another ear product and it is in a powder form and it is best for dogs with ears that are irritated and might burn if using an alcohol base. Instead you need to order the GV Ear Solutions product.
This ear product is called GV Ear Solution Powder - it has the same ingredients as our liquid ear product, but it is minus the alcohol so it does not burn the dogs ears. Instead, you dissolve the powder in Witch Hazel, which you can get from the drugstore. It will not burn. This bottle of powder makes up to 16 oz of liquid ear solutions. So if your pet is having ear problems and they are VERY raw VERY extreme, this powder is better to use than the K9 Ear Solution Liquid that we also sell. Powder Mixture price $12.95 as well. Shake well and then remember these products will stain, so take the dog outside to use it and do not have on good clothes. Both of these are all natural products and are the best for yeasty ears. Directions:
Shake well before using then fill ear with solution & massage gently for 30 seconds and wipe with a tissue. Fill a second time and just wipe without massaging. The dog will shake the excess out. Be careful, it could stain so it is best to take them out side to do this. Do not store in sunlight. This solution is also effective for the treatment of yeasty fungus type infections and on hot spots and nails.
2 times per day for the first 2 weeks 1 time per day for the next 2 weeks 1 time per month thereafter Do not get in eyes or use on a punctured ear drum and never insert anything into your dog’s ear canal including Q-tips. Note: If you find your dog has a continuing problem with ear infections and/or skin issues or allergies it is very important that you go to www.GreatDaneLady.com - click on "Articles" in the left column and read the second article called "Mini-Course in Systemic Yeast". Your dog's ear problems may be indicating there are greater health issues you need to address. Cost: $12.95 - 2 oz Bottle (Powder) makes up to 16 oz liquid Cost: $12.95 - 12 oz Bottle (Liquid)
Nutritional Support Provided by Blackwatch Nutritional Consulting LLC
Related Feed Programs: Feed Program for Systemic Yeast / Fungus Infections
Related Research Articles: Allergies and Systemic Yeast Reoccuring Ear Infections Sunday, 14 Sep 2008 a customer writes:
"I have to tell you that your K-9 Ear Solutions worked great. I have not been this happy with a product since Neosporin came on the market. It really delivered. My beagle had a very serious yeast infection in one of his ears and I thought I would end up having to put him through ear surgery to open the canal up. That is what happened with my first beagle about thirty years ago. Nothing would solve the problem so I had to have surgery on him. But, not this time. Your product did the trick and in less than two weeks there was marked improvement. Thank you so much. Please feel free to use this statement as a testimonial. Most Sincerely, Margaret Martin - Oregon "
First Choice Naturals Note:
First Choice also carries two ear solution products for cleaning/yeast/bacterial infections. One is the GE Ear Solution Powder that you can mix with 16 oz. of witch hazel and this is more appropriate if your dogs ears are tore up, swollen or look like raw hamburger. This mix will not sting and burn where as the K9 Ear Solutions is in an alcohol base and if the ears are really bad this will hurt.
Both are essentially the same product, the GV has more of one type of natural antibacterial anti-fungal in it, the K9 Ear Solutions is a cross of two different natural antibacterial and anti-fungal components. BOTH WORK EQUALLY WELL - both will stain clothing so take them outside when you use it. First Choice will switch out what ever ear solution product you want if you purchase the yeast kit but you MUST call in your order for a Skin Recovery Kit (yeast removal program) so customer service can make this change. 1-877-343-07244.8 out of 5 stars (34 ratings)
Showing 26 customer reviews...

this product is the beast .my dog is happy now end healthy THANK YOU for making this wonderful product :)))))

This really helped my dogs yeasty ears!

Our Dane had recurring ear infections. This solution was gentler on her sensitive ears, allowing me to clean them without the alcohol burn of other products.

Ear infection was clear in just 3 days. Great product

I brought this in for a Newfoundland breeder friend who has used this product for years & loves it.

Worked better that the medicine from the vet. No more smelly itchy ears.

wow...what to say about this product. it has been a miracle. our 6 year old black lab had suffered with no help from meds from the stores or the vet. her ears were swollen and red, itchy and smelly. she was constantly scratching and could get absolutely no relief...until i found your product. after, literally, two applications, the swelling and smell were completely gone and she was no longer shaking her head. i think she even looked forward to the next application. needless to say, her ears are back to normal and we are doing a monthly application now with no problems. thank you so much for doing for her what others could not and giving her the relief she so desperatly deserved. if there wasn't a product already called miracle ear, i might even suggest changing it's name! ;)

Your ear wash actually does what you say it will. First time my dog has had relief in 3 years. He has had chronic ear infections that long. They stopped one week after using your ear wash. I now rinse his ears once a week. No more sore ears. He thanks you and I thank you.

Dogs ears looked better in short order. Very pleased with this product. Definitely needs to be applied during bath time as product is messy and stains as indicated.

My boxer has had ear gunk and infections in her ears quite often. i've used the vet recommended stuff and the pet store stuff, but this K9 Ear Solution has cleared her ears in less time than anything else with fewer repeat cleanings needed. my only complaint is the purple color that makes me use it a little less often. but i've put it outside near the back door and it stays warm in this heat so she likes it even better going in warm instead of air-conditioned cold. her ear sensitivity has improved a lot. thanks,

This product is amazing! My German Shepherd has had reocurring ear problems for quite some time. My Vet's perscriptions for this problem had to be refilled over and over with no long term results. I saw a big difference in three days after using this product and now the swelling, redness, soreness, and itching are gone completely. This is the first time in over a year my girl has not been bothered with this problem. I am using it a couple of times a week as maintenance and I will be using it as an ongoing preventative hence forth. It is FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!

Convenient! although not as gentle as the GV solution.

Works great. My puppy from the day we got him had brown gunk in his ears. Used a product that worked on my older dog, would not work on the puppy. I tried this within a week of pouring it in his ears and cleaning that out. They were great. I clean them about once a week now.

I went through 2 tubes of precription ear medicine and nothing worked...I tried your product and was truly impressed, I am still using it once a week, but compared to what it was, this stuff is AMAZING!

Remnarkable improvement within the first week. Three weeks in we are on a maintenance schedule. Great product. Thank You.

K-9 Liquid Health Ear Solution works better than anything I have ever gotten from the vets. I highly recommend the product. One slight problem is that the bottles have a twist open top. One of the bottles was open when it arrived and some of the contents had spilled out.

My puggy Tiger has suffered years with yeast and ear infections. He has been given steroid and antibiotics for years and I found it made matters worst. I read about his product and thought it would not hurt to give it a try. I am so glad I did. Within a few days I could see his hears healing, not as swollen and yeast, and not as smelly. We used it twice a day for two weeks and his ears look beautifuly and smell wonderful. Tiger is happy again. Know I only used it once a day. I will be ordering more and will always keep it handy. This is a wonderful product that does not harm his body like antibiotics and it actually works.

I felt shipping costs were way too high.

Product worked great for ears and now were in the process of working on 2 paws..... very satisfied with product.

M dog has allergies the ear solution work on the ears but he constanly chews his feet lick feet,belly, and where his manhood use to be. He will even rub his hind quarter on the cement walkway and the grass. At my wits end! I know he has food allergies they are covered but there are grasses etc would appreciate any help because I am back on steroids to try and help him.

I purchased the K-9 Ear Solution about 2 weeks ago. My Shepherd has been having ear issues for about a month. We took her to the vet the moment we noticed her trying to scratch her ears. Our vet prescribed some ointment drops, antibiotics, and gave her a shot to reduce the swelling and yeast build up. Sure enough, her ear's continued to smell, were red, itchy, and inflamed. My poor baby Lexi couldn't get any type of relief. I did some research online and came across this product and thought I would give it a try. After only two days of using it, Lexi's ears started clearing up and the horrible yeast smell was gone! It has now been two weeks and her ears have never looked better! Thank you so much for this product and we will definitely spread the word! God Bless! -Kiley & Lexi

We have a choc. Lab with recurrent yeast problems in her ears. We have been through several trials such as changing food because we were told her ear problem could be related to a food allergy. We have tried ear cleaners as well as prescription ointments from our vet which help temporarily but the problem always returns. This product came highly recommended from a family member and I am very happy we tried it. So far it is working great. Her ears are getting better and are staying cleaner then we have ever seen. Ordering with this company was hassle free and the product was received quickly. Thank you for a wonderful experience.

My dogs ears smelled SO BAD and we could not figure out what it was. If you petted her anywhere on her face or neck your hands immediately smelled really bad as well. I tried this product and within 24 hours she was smell free!!! Would highly recommend to anyone!

I use This product for two reasons,It controls the yeast in my two bullies ears and is great to keep their tail sockets dry to prevent infections.Those of you that own bullies know what I'm talking about...Great product highly recomend it. Fellow bully lover!!!

This is my second week on this product. Stanley, our cat, was shaking his head and scratching his ears frequently. This product definitely helped. I now catch him maybe once a day shaking his head or scratching his ears, which is greatly reduced. I am very optimistic that in time this product will take care of this problem.

this has cleared her ears and stopped the smell
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Shipping: We ship Priority, Flat Rate Priority and International Priority rates. FCN is a small family owned company and not able to offer free shipping like the big ecommerce conglomerates who often buy almost out of date supplements and you have no recourse for returning product. However, what we have that they do not have is, first rate customer service, people to answer specific nutritional questions. We have real people here in the USA to help you and your vet with health problem solving and developing your pet's feed program. This is a service no other large companies offer their customers. Our customers appreciate the difference at FCN because we not only care, but have our own pets years of experience and we know nutrition!
Copyright 2025. First Choice Naturals, Inc. is owned by Blackwatch Nutritional Consulting LLC, and all descriptive text, links to articles and nutritioinal information found at this website, in articles or feed programs, is owned by Blackwatch Nutritioinal Consulting LLC. No information at this website is to be used in lieu of physician or veterinarian's advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your health care professionals. Any photographs sent to this website becomes the property of Blackwatch Nutritional Consulting LLC, and can be used for website, seminars, lectures, books, for the sole purpose of educating the general public. Efforts are taken to remove recognizable images or names from photos, no names are used of owner, breeder or pet to protect the of the individuals.