Nzymes Ox-E-Drops
Ox-E-Drops are used internally by adding to drinking water or diluting drops and putting on food, using 1-2 drops daily per 20 lbs of body weight. Double under stress.
To use on the outside of the body, use in a diluted spray which can be used on sores, bites, abrasions, burns and rashes and it does not sting. It's a great way to clean ears or handle any skin infection on the outide of the pet so you have a choice rather than using an antibiotic internally, which can destroy the good flora of the gut. 2% diluted solution mix: 1 teaspoon Ox-E-Drops in 1 cup of distilled water. for cleaning ears, spray on cuts, sores, rashes, hives and flushing out the genital areas. 1% diluted solution mix: 1/2 teaspoon Ox-E-Drops in 1 cup of distilled water for eye wash.
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Do NOT Apply to Skin, Eyes, Ears or Mucous Membranes unless it is diluted with water first.
4.9 out of 5 stars (46 ratings)
Showing 25 customer reviews...

Our Shar-pei puppy developed skin problems at 6 months of age.We went through everything to try to find the cause -- testing, medication,diet and thyroid meds. He kept getting worse and began to lose weight. Finally, the woman who owns the pet store in town told me that she had luck with enzymes and told me to check the Great Dane Lady site. I did and ordered your products. I'm thrilled to say that after 3 months of use he is so much better. He's not nervous and scratching and his hair is growing back. He's finally beginning to act like a puppy. I would definitely recommend these products to anyone who has a pet with skin problems. Thank you.

Following the Great Dane Lady's ear health plan, which includes this product, has eliminated the ear infections that previously plagued my Dane. I also use this product myself on a daily basis. I can't actually tell if it's helping me, but it worked for my Dane and my health is great, so I will continue to use it.

Buster is 15 years old & he is doing great.

my Sandy is almost 15yr. She came to NGRR, NORCAL Golden Retriever Rescue 2yr ago. She has had UTI's every month. I tried your Oxy Drops and she has only had 3 this year. Amazing and I am happy to tell everyone. My vet and I are very pleased. Thank you. Peg

I use this product every day with both of my shepherds, and have found it very effective when using it as a topical solution in treating the occasional hot spot at home instead of a costly vet visit and the antibiotics that go along with that.

Use this on my dogs to clean ears and skin as well as add it to there water. They don't mind the ear cleaning with this product.

I love ox-e-drops. It's important to me to know I'm keeping my dogs system at a healthy pH but the best thing is how it healed up his chin acne. We had struggled with chin acne since he was a puppy. The vet said he would eventually out grow it but at 20 months old he still had it. It smelled horrible and would sometimes open up and leave bloody discharge on the furniture. Yuck. The vet recommended wiping his chin with noxzema pads to help. I did that and it did help but my dog absolutely HATED the smell and it was a wrestling match every time I tried to apply it. I hated torturing him like that so I stopped and remembered that ox-e-drops could be applied topically. I made up a mixture and put it in a small spray bottled. I applied it 2-3 times a day (which he didn't mind at all) and within just a few days saw a marked difference in his chin acne. Now after only a few weeks his acne is completely gone and so is the smell!!! I'm so overjoyed.

I have been using the Ox-E Drops in combination with some of the other products to battle yeast -- we are having great success. It does take some time 1-2 months. But it really is worth the cost and effort.

Excellent product

I already recommend it!

Major improvement in the health of great danes/Aussies in using this product. Highly recommened!!!! Its only been 4 weeks can wait to see what the future holds for them now!! Im even using it for myself and my fathers psorisis

My Bichon will only drive water from the purified bottle water. My Great Puppy drinks all his water. So now in her bowl I add the Ox-E drops and she loves it. I am not quite sure what the purpose of the OX-E is?

As long as they don't buy it from First Choice Naturals.

Love this product!

Started all my dogs on the Blackwatch regime to keep them healthy, especially my Dane puppy- to prevent vaccine reactions. I use the drops in their breakfast and in their water bowl.

Oxydrops have helped me keep both of my last two danes in good health. I also find using this product helpful in my own health regime. I use it as both an internal dietary additive as well as a topical health care product in a diluted form.

The drop worked fine. The are easy to use, I just put it in their water every day. My dogs both had what I believe was seasonal diarrhea and this along with the Nzymes Bac.Pak Plus seemed to help..

Great Dane puppy. She is doing great. I use a few of your supplements on her and live them. I couldn't imagine raising a Dane without theom

I use this in all my animals' food and water. 2 large dogs, 2 cats, all 3 kids and myself.

I like the Nzymes granules. They are easy to sprinkle on my dogs' food. I have a dog with pollen allergies and when on Nzymes they don't seem to bother him as much. The Oxydrops too are great. I add to the dogs' drinking water and they never seem to have the problems some of my friends' dogs have. I add them to my coffee if I feel a bit queasy or have a sore throat.

recommending everybody who has a giant puupys

I am following the recommendations from The Great Dane Lady and everything has been working wonderfully. I have added to water, food, cleaned ears and vulva area. My Great Dane puppy is just coming up on 5 months old and so far so good.

I use the Ox-E-Drops in the dogs water dish which gets cleaned, disinfected and filled up with fresh Filtered Water from the store several times a day. I now put 1-2 drops of Ox-E-Drops into the dish and the dogs don't shy away from the slobbery water anymore. They drink it up til the dish is dry and I can actually refill again that same day without having to throw the old water away...which started to get rather expensive. I've also been putting it into our own Distilled drinking water and my husband isn't complaining about his stomach as much as he used to.

Not sure if it is working that well on the great danes puppy acne, but I still give it to her orally daily and I add it to their water ( it doesn't seem to get so slimy).

My dog has been receiving this product for less than a month now, but I do believe he is showing signs of improvement.
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Copyright 2025. First Choice Naturals, Inc. is owned by Blackwatch Nutritional Consulting LLC, and all descriptive text, links to articles and nutritioinal information found at this website, in articles or feed programs, is owned by Blackwatch Nutritioinal Consulting LLC. No information at this website is to be used in lieu of physician or veterinarian's advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your health care professionals. Any photographs sent to this website becomes the property of Blackwatch Nutritional Consulting LLC, and can be used for website, seminars, lectures, books, for the sole purpose of educating the general public. Efforts are taken to remove recognizable images or names from photos, no names are used of owner, breeder or pet to protect the of the individuals.