Poopity Doo - Anal Gland Support
Anal glands, located on either side of your pet’s anal opening, were used in less domesticated times, for dogs to mark their territory. Nowadays they rarely use them and about the only time you will experience their pungent odoriferous smell is when they have become frightened, startled or when are trying to clean/express them. Some dogs will lick or scoot if infected, others will not show much indication there is a problem. In severe cases the dogs can go lame in the rear and vets will treat for an injury, without realizing it is an anal gland problem. This infection needs to be address before it goes systemic. In addition, our nutritional consultant feel there is a direct link between anal gland issues and reoccurring tonsillitis. Please read this article to better understand this correlation and how to care for anal gland problems in your pet. Resource Article: Anal Gland Problems
Cost $12.00 – 400 grams
Ingredients: Oat Bran Fiber & Yucca Schidigera
Comes in a 1 # Container - $12.00 Dosage: small dog – ¼ tsp + 1 tablespoons water medium dog – ½ teaspoon + 3 tablespoons of water large dog 1 teaspoon + 6 tablespoons water giant breed 1 tablespoon + 1/3 cup water Add to food and mix with water - stir and serve.
4.3 out of 5 stars (34 ratings)
Showing 27 customer reviews...

I was having problems with my dog scooting so I decided to try this product to firm up his feces so as to aid in expressing his anal glands. After a couple of days I began to notice marked improvement. I've used this product ever since.

I personally have not seen any results with my golden retriever yet. But according to the vet she has a very aggressive yeast infection so along with the nzymes products we are also using your product. It has only been a month so we're hoping to still maybe see results in the near future

Great people I receive very personal service, they seem to really care. Great product seems to help with my boyz problem.

My dogs anal glands were so bad that my carpets looked awful. I had the vet clean them out but still nothing worked. Not only that his poop looked like pancake mix laying on the ground. I tried a jar of Poopity Doo and what a miracle. No more anal gland problems or poop problems. Although I do up the dose to 1 and a 1/2 scoops. Last order I bought 2 jars. I always recommend it to family, friends and my vet. In fact I'm taking my dog in for his toenails to be clipped and I'm taking the jar in for them to take a look at it and get the information to order for their clinic. Thank you so much!!!

I'm still having to express my Danes anal glands but his feces are firming up. I'm not giving up on the Poopity Doo because my dog had some intestinal bacteria issues that caused some diarrhea and loose stools that didn't help our situation. First Choice also recommended increasing his daily dose to firm his stools up more. I'm doing that now and hope once he's done with antibiotics our anal gland issue will resolve.

This supplement has definitely bulked up my dogs bowel movements but we're still having problems with him expressing his anal glands. I've heard it can take up to a month or more to work on the anal glands so I'm not giving up yet. I really hope it helps though because expressing a Great Danes anal glands is not fun.

Adding this product to my pet's diet has helped to curtail his "scooting". I would have rated the product 5 stars except that the shipping costs seem excessive. Shipping should never exceed the cost of the item being shipped.

But your shipping cost is too high, when shipping is almost the same price as the product, I doubt I will buy again. Should be a couple options such as longer transit for a cheaper price

Received the Poopity Doo product and we have begun giving it to Gussie in his food twice a day. So far (about 2 weeks) he has been able to tolerate it without any complications. His stools have been perfect! He has had chronic Anal Fistulas and needs to be express usually once a month. We have not been to the vet yet, but we are hoping that she will not need to express him.

The jury is still out I have only been using less than a month.

Began using Poopity Doo in 2009 when one of our collies had enlarged and infected anal glands. Have not had a vet visit for that problem ever since.

Should give a shipping break for mulitple product purposes

My dog doesnt like it so its hard to get him to east it. But it my work better for another dog. But l do notice when he just eat it his poop is harder. Any ideas on how to get him to e .

This product along with the other products recommended for diabetic dogs has helped me keep my dogs glucose levels under control, I didn't think we would ever achieve control of my dogs diabetes without the help of First Choice Naturals! Thank you!!

I am sure the added fiber is good for the dog. However,I do not see any huge difference as his anal glands still get full & have that foul smell at least once a week, not as often as before though.

Adding this to my dog's diet has alleviated the ongoing need to have his glands expressed.

No more "fish butt" smell AT ALL. Works amazingly well - been using it for 8 months and will continue to use. Recommend to all! HIGHLY

My dane puppy was prone to anal gland issues, including needing to have his glands expressed every couple weeks and having constant infections. We followed the Great Dane Lady's advice on antibiotics and supplements and he seems to be doing much better! His infection is gone and he hasn't gone to the vet for a couple months now, which for us is great progress.

So far this has helped my buddy. I am hoping there will be more visits to the vets for this particular issue.

woof, woof, gr-r-r, bark bark bark

Very good supplement. It must be tasty because our dog always finishes his meal.

He has improved from needing the anals exprssed monthly to needing it about evry 3 months now. Thats good.

I would recommend because you can't go by my Dane! I have yet to find a product that helps with his anal gland problem. I will continue with it until it is gone and go from there.

This product is easy to transition to and I have noticed a firmer more bulky quality to the stools. Seems to be helping in keeping the anal sacs expressed.

We have a puggle and a great dane an both have had the smell associated with the annal glands. A great dane with annal glad issues is not a pleasant experience!! We thought we'd try the Poopity Doo and have not had an issue since we started it. That was 2 months ago. I just can't thank you enough for this product.

We have temporary stopped using it as his stool became too loose. We had just switched to a new dog food. I will start it again soon.

Helps keep his anal glands in proper functioning order. They only have to be expressed every 3 months rather then every month. Keeps him in good shape for agility, obedience and rally trials.
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Shipping: We ship Priority, Flat Rate Priority and International Priority rates. FCN is a small family owned company and not able to offer free shipping like the big ecommerce conglomerates who often buy almost out of date supplements and you have no recourse for returning product. However, what we have that they do not have is, first rate customer service, people to answer specific nutritional questions. We have real people here in the USA to help you and your vet with health problem solving and developing your pet's feed program. This is a service no other large companies offer their customers. Our customers appreciate the difference at FCN because we not only care, but have our own pets years of experience and we know nutrition!
Copyright 2025. First Choice Naturals, Inc. is owned by Blackwatch Nutritional Consulting LLC, and all descriptive text, links to articles and nutritioinal information found at this website, in articles or feed programs, is owned by Blackwatch Nutritioinal Consulting LLC. No information at this website is to be used in lieu of physician or veterinarian's advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your health care professionals. Any photographs sent to this website becomes the property of Blackwatch Nutritional Consulting LLC, and can be used for website, seminars, lectures, books, for the sole purpose of educating the general public. Efforts are taken to remove recognizable images or names from photos, no names are used of owner, breeder or pet to protect the of the individuals.